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a treasure hunt on the beach and in the water

Forum in English -Search treasure metal detectors in the US and Europe

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The Treasure Vault Opens Again

Сообщение admin » 20 дек 2016, 17:01

The Treasure Vault Opens Again
If you hunt the surf then you know how bad it can get sometimes and how you feel that you are in a big slump. Thirty days ago we had Spring begin and with it a very high and rough surf caused by the Equinox that piled up the sea water until it overflowed and raged like that for a full month. It was not only like that but at the same time the water temperature was in the mid to high sixties which was not very inviting but still, there are always some brave souls that will go swimming even in the cold water. When you try to swim or just hold your own waist deep with three foot waves threatening your foothold the sea can just tear your jewelry and watches away from you in a minute.

I have worked the beaches all winter and have cleaned up everything that I could find and I have looked hard. Now only the new items that are lost this Spring are in the water but I am glad to see something showing up in the scoop. This morning before the sun came up over the horizon I marched down the beach with all my surf gear and I guess people are getting used to me. I don't even get a second look with the exception of a couple of old ladies that really wanted to see what I was doing but didn't have the courage to come and ask me. The water level was low and the sea was smooth and calm. I disturbed the resting seagulls as I entered the water. Like always when the sea is calm I just had to go out in the very deep water to just see if a surfer or some guy had swam way out to loose his gold but not a signal! The sun was just coming up over the horizon and it was very pretty when I just gave up the deep water and started back for the shallower water.

I remembered that for the last month that we had abnormally high tides and the sea water had pushed up to the seawall so that anyone swimming would not go out very deep as they struggled with the surf. I began to work the shallower water and I got a tone that generally means that I have to dig one more pulltab at a foot deep and sure enough pulltab it was! Only a couple of steps and there is that old pulltab signal again and I sigh and resign myself to a day of pulltabs and an extended slump. I dug a basket full of sand and washed it down in the scoop and when I got to the bottom the early golden light of dawn shone brilliantly on the pretty gold ring at the bottom of the scoop. I eagerly pulled it out and slowly turned it around to see if it had stones and sure enough a beautiful emerald and good sized too. It has so many points and cuts that it must be an expensive stone and the gold ring, It's 14 Karat Gold and pretty! I can feel the slump is leaving now as I return to the water with a renewed energy. I probably only walked a dozen feet more and I got another signal but a coin signal and large. I immediately thought (wrist watch)! and I wasn't to be disappointed as usual but it turned out to be a very nice Italian watch and it was running and keeping the correct time. It was a Sergio Valente mans watch and now my pulse was a little faster. I dropped it into the pouch and turned to hunt some more and BINGO a coin tone and a large one too. This one I figured was the metal band for the watch that was missing but as it came out of the water I was surprised to see a brass Zippo lighter and it was engraved also. About that time the slump was only history and I was back and having fun again.

I often feel the conflict of wanting to hunt one area because I "feel" as though something will be there but when I take time and analyze the surf and figure out just where the treasure will be found today I will leave the place that I wanted to hunt and as soon as I start working the place where I figure that the goodies should be I very often start finding something. I have this feeling I suppose, because I am short and most of the time I can't get out into the deep water where I figure that the big gold rings are. So I want to get way out there everytime I go and able to work farther out but seldom do I find much there. Only a few weeks back I had worked every square inch of a large beach as far out as it was possible for me to work and didn't find gold but a guy with a borrowed pulse detector just marched beyond where I hunted and BINGO a large gold mans ring. Ohhhhh that burned me up! Drat! Now I know better than that and I am happy for him and I will chalk it up to beginners luck but I don't think I can easily forget about it. If you have never tried water hunting let me tell you that there is nothing quite like washing the sand out of your scoop to see the pretty yellow gold laying there. It is really addictive to the water hunters and once you find gold you are really hooked for good. Ahhh! Life is good!
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Зарегистрирован: 19 сен 2013, 19:36

The Golden Wind

Сообщение admin » 20 дек 2016, 17:02

The Golden Wind
Winter hunters who work salt beaches are much the same everywhere, they sit around the TV or the web and look at the weather all the time and may become a better weather forecaster than some professionals. I monitor the sea buoy offshore, a camera on the beach near me, satellite pictures on the internet, radar on the internet, and local weather on TV. We look for different conditions that will push the water far out exposing the floor of the swimming area for a short while. Might I add that a short while is often a couple of hours perhaps. This means that you have to be there no less than an hour early for this event and you must cover several acres of sand. This is not for those that are out of condition(maybe it is), because in my experience, I work very fast swinging the coil eight feet at a swing very fast. This means that for more than three hours I will only pause momentarily to dig and I am fast at that too. No rest for the weary!

You would rightly wonder why anyone would pursue this kind of metal detecting but then once you do it correctly you will find jewelry and coins that you likely never would see on the dry sand. Our beach is excessively poor this year and there are many seasoned hunters that work the winds and tides and still come up with poor finds but if there is anything there you will certainly find it with this kind of hunt.

I have made mention before about wind direction but perhaps I have not told the whole story. I can speak only for my beach and of course all are somewhat different but all hunters there will find that there is a certain direction and degree on the compass that will drain the beach. It provides a very strong offshore flow which drains all bays and estuaries and pushes the water far offshore. Once you determine exactly which degree this is for your beach then you also know that this wind has to blow at sustained wind speeds which may raise gale warnings along the coast. I have found that under optimal conditions we can reach gusts over 40kph and sustain it for at least a full day and night with somewhat reduced winds the following day and night period. The hunters on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts are far luckier than that because they can reach hurricane wind speeds during certain conditions which will severely cut slices out of the beaches and strip the sand down to expose treasures that may have lain there for hundreds of years!
In addition to having the cuts and offshore flow you still need one more thing for the maximum conditions to occur and that is a good minus tide. You need that to move the water even farther back in order to expose all of the area you wish to hunt. A normal tide may raise to a high of 3 feet and drop a foot to two feet but the minus tide will actually be below mean sea level and therefore (-) will precede the number and may reach over a foot below mean sea level. If you do not know which wind direction will drain the water down and provide an offshore flow then either check out the beach under all conditions or talk to some of the older veterans who know. Most pro's will not tell you the real secrets of top beach hunting and let you pickup coins in the sand after the pro's have walked away with all the gold rings. You should value this advice and work on learning the beach until you know it under all conditions.

In the last few days here we have had good conditions which is about the best we can expect. No deep beach cuts like on the Atlantic or Pacific coasts and the old silver and gold is still there waiting for the next time a hurricane blows in but due to El Nino and other changing weather conditions there have not been any good hurricanes here since 1961. When there is you will probably find us on the beach just after the eye passes working the offshore flow.

We hit the beach yesterday before the first signs of day in a moonless night and worked the good pockets before the competition hit the sand. We can hit a beach and strip the pockets and move on so fast that all folks see is holes when they get there and those are quickly filled by the onrush of incoming tide. It was wide open but like I say we had worked it once before under those conditions and picked up some nice jewelry too. It is time for the spring breakers here and they will replenish the sands with silver rings and coins but the water is still too cold for swimming for anyone except the foolhardy of whom there are plenty in that crowd.

The picture represents the meager offering the beach had to make but one day soon the gold will be replenished and we will pick it up again quickly after it is lost. We found three pair of sunglasses, a hotel key at a measured 18 inches, we found one dime over 14 inches deep, a silver spoon, lots of good fishing sinkers, $3.20 in coin, a 1965 JFK half dollar and four nice rings. Not a lot but no one else found anything. I think that I remember that someone said I move too fast but then again we find those deep coins along with the shallow ones. My better half found a penny at 17 + inches measured. We mark the shovels with the depth as we scrape the sand inch by inch on the deep ones.
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Зарегистрирован: 19 сен 2013, 19:36

Answering the ultimate beach question

Сообщение admin » 20 дек 2016, 17:03

Answering the ultimate beach question
Now and then someone may attempt to explain beach erosion but the most common answer is "after a storm". The never ending problem that is the greatest annoyance in the life of the beach hunter goes unanswered. I feel inadequate for the task but I am beginning to understand some of the forces that change the beach and I will share it with you.

There are important key times in the yearly lifecycle of the beach and they occur when no one is recognizing what it happening. You know by now if you have followed my writings about the minus(low) tides that occur sporadically during the year and pull the water far out to expose the bottom of the swimming areas. These are vital so that you can detect it much faster than dragging your coil through the deep water. There is a center axis of these tidal movements and when it is happening you see no more minus tides for a long time and the middle point of this tidal swing causes great change in the beach. I could not believe my eyes when I saw it happen and it seemed to occur almost overnight.

Since I have noticed a subtle shift in the timing of the low tides in the cycle I will call these middle point times the "Spring shift" and the "Fall shift". I have NEVER heard anything or read anything about beach erosion or building that has ever suggested the shifts and subsequent effects. All these concepts are original with this author and right or wrong represent more information on the subject than you will find anywhere else.

I had noticed the strange behavior at the time of the Spring shift as the beaches are almost completely awash in choppy water and reach well over most of the beach. The Fall shift seemed to work just opposite! It occurred at the time of the year when our beach is high with a summer accumulation of deep sand and at that time of year the bottom of the swimming areas resemble the floor of a drive in theater(if you can remember) or there are troughs maybe 30-40 foot wide with sand bars about the same and they progressively repeat and grow deeper as you go out in the water. The gold that has been lost by the summer crowd is lying mostly in these troughs under a few inches of sand.

In only a few days the very deep dry sand on the beach is pulled out in the water and immediately fills the troughs so that the floor of the swimming area is now only a smooth slant that moves steadily down as you walk farther out in the swimming area! You can see that all of the gold has now become unattainable as it rests about 2 1/2 to 3 foot deep in the sand! When I hunt the winter minus tides all I can find is what gold is left on top of the sand bars which may be a foot deep themselves. Clearly hunters that do not use the very best equipment can not hope to find anything that time of year. Now there are a very few items that are dropped after the Fall shift occurs as some places still remain sunny and warm with warm sea water temperatures.

I have found a method for finding the level where I might expect to find the summers treasure by finding the sunglasses that read out like "pulltab" or gold and see how deep they are found. Currently I find them 20 inches deep so you can see that my winter hunt will be poor this year. The sunglasses get covered easily and mark the treasure zone. I have often wished for a road grader to take off a couple of feet of sand so I could hunt!

The Spring shift is the great beach builder and it removes all the sand in the troughs and pushes it back onto the beach for the summer crowd to enjoy. I cannot water hunt this time of year because the surf is often very choppy and dirty(with sand) and the undercurrent is extremely strong to the level that it can just jerk you right off your feet while you are standing in fairly shallow water.

The easy time for water hunters is to follow the beach crowds after the weekends and holidays to quickly scoop up the treasure of the sea before the stingy ol' sea just snaps it's purse shut!

Now don't give up all hope but just understand the more you know about the sea the more you can use your knowledge to see the sun shine on the pretty yellow things again and jerk them from the grasp of the sea. It is a game we play and the sea wins most often.

Before I leave you I want to say that there are exceptions to this cycle and they are your great hope because when they occur(if they occur) you can be quickly satisfied with an abundance of goodies. The conditions that cause these events are the extremes of wind and weather and while we use as an example the hurricane there are more events that will aid your search. Watch the sea buoy report if you can get it or the newspaper for offshore wave heights and look for wave heights of 15 foot and either a in-shore breeze or a wind that blows along the beach from one side or the other and these will strip sand quickly and give you your opportunity.

If you are hooked on the beach like I am then you look hard for the very first indication that some sand has been removed. Not long ago the sand was too high but we had some rough weather and as I drove up to the beach I noticed a very small thing that was different. There seemed to be a very, very shallow area near the water that was scooped out some. Most people would not have even noticed this unless you spend as much time at the beach as I do. My wife went straight to the area and in minutes pulled out a diamond ring with 7 diamonds and a beautiful silver cameo ring and all this in only that small area. In only a day or two later the small area was completely gone and you would never believed that it was there. Only days earlier I had searched that beach and found nothing! Needless to say it takes a trained eye to spot these areas and you need to remember to look first before just marching down the beach swinging your coil.

Heavy rain also has a lot to do with erosion of the beach. I just learned that today. After a heavy rain there are more things to be found as an inch or two may be taken off the beach. I can only assume that a downpour rain blasts the tiny grains of sand loose to float downward to the sea on a sheet of water from the rain. The particles cut even more sand loose as they pass and the channels of water that run faster are heavy with sand that cut deep into the beach. Look for these after a rain even though the entire beach may have some sand removed the channels have cut down several inches to a foot or more in some cases. I am speaking of only the very heavy rains of 2-4 inches per hour and the best is when it rains like that for several hours at a time.

You may rightly ask "does an inch or two make any difference on the beach when I need about 6 feet off the level of the sand?" The answer depends on the activity level of hunters on your beach. My beach has become exceedingly more active all year around(thanks to me probably!) and most people think that it is hunted out. The truth is that every square foot of beach has had a great number of coil passes over it. This morning I found a gold ring that I had detected over no less than 150 times this year and today I pulled it out! You have to understand that the top 12 inches is clean completely as so many people have made multiple passes over it and only when an inch or two is stripped off it might give a BEEP that was too deep before. For those who have the deep sand beaches that are not cut much until the winter storms you may find the coins and jewelry of this years summer after these conditions but if you are only chasing the very old coins then you will have to just watch the weather channel on TV until you get your deep sand cut enough. Although I am sure my beach has them too, my beach has rock groins every 2 or 3 hundred yards down the beach which prevent deep erosion like you would expect along a deepwater ocean. I hunt the beach under all conditions and as long as I know what is happening then I know where to go to find the treasure

When you can comprehend this lifecycle and understand exactly where it is now and what will happen next and why then you can multiply your finds considerably. Spend time expanding your perception and try to see just a little more than you have before. When you develop a your perception like the fictional Sherlock Holmes then you too can improve what most people attribute to luck
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Зарегистрирован: 19 сен 2013, 19:36

RThe Long Hunt

Сообщение admin » 20 дек 2016, 17:04

The Long Hunt

Winter comes to the Gulf coast and with it some of the very best time to hunt. If you can brave the icy winds and freezing temperatures you can hunt the minus tides and walk right through the swimming areas. It occurred to me this morning as I hunted the low tide that I walk as much as ten miles some days and that is swinging my detector and digging foot deep holes all down the beach.
The problems occur when you get used to the pace and do not recognize the right place to stop walking and swinging and just putter around in a circle to look for more good signals.

It seems to be a true statement that if you are going to dig up gold jewelry then you will find it in a patch of coins. Coins mean one thing and that means that you have had some beach erosion and the other hunters that walk the beaches have not found this spot.

However these patches can be overlooked very easily when you are swinging long distances without any good signals and then pick up a coin. Instead of continuing on walking it is advisable anytime you detect a coin spot you should completely cover a spot about 30 feet in diameter.

Almost everyone discovers the gold shows up on a detector as a pulltab however do you dig up every pulltab signal you find in ten miles? No! And this is what separates the successful hunters from the ones that can never find jewelry. I can find areas that have produced loads of gold but like this morning 100 out of 100 signals were pulltab and I admit I dug altogether too many of them without any coins in the area. This is another bad habit a hunter can get into and believe it or not I dug so many pulltabs today without swinging consciously about it and of course they were ALL pulltabs. Depending on your detector you may notice gold rings can be found under Nickle or Foil also. My CZ20 just indicates pulltab or coin. The same thing goes for Nickle and Foil signals also and for purposed of consideration in this article just consider them all pulltabs.

You are not an inexhaustiable resource and you will tire if it doesn't kill your back digging too many pulltabs. Speaking of pulltabs; now there is another bad guy on the beach. We had tabs with tongues, square tabs and all of these rang up as pulltab but the new square tab is not completely square and has ears on one end and it will ring up as a coin most of the time or ring up as coin and pulltab which of course a deep coin may loose ID and flicker back and forth between coin and pulltab so it is difficult to tell unless you dig. I HATE them!

It seems a little silly that approaching the year 2000 and the manufacturers have not even considered that they should develop a hi-tech machine that CAN tell the difference between pulltabs and gold rings!

To sum up what you learned here today is you can walk fast as you want and swing wildly but stop and circle on the FIRST coin and dig all pulltab signals because that is where you will find gold. Second remember NOT to dig all pulltabs in miles of beaches UNLESS they are accompanied by coins. This will prove out in the long run and it will be a more effective way for you to hunt the wet sand.

The problem that we hunters fall into is to fall into the same pattern that we used before but winter hunting is done when the beaches are covered up with several feet of sand and there is enough gold and diamonds in the beach under your feet to fill your hat but you cannot detect them that deep nor can you dig that deep. You must wait until wind and tide works to remove some sand and enough for you to reach the goodies.

In the spring sand is building the beach and you have to race down the wet sand to pick up all goodies before they are covered up too deep to reach and do it often and after every weekend and holiday. They are not found in patches as the winter goodies are and it is a simple matter of walking and digging.
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Зарегистрирован: 19 сен 2013, 19:36

Here today and gone tomorrow

Сообщение admin » 20 дек 2016, 17:05

Here today and gone tomorrow

Todays article has two meanings. The first point is that for some time I have observed clues about the raising water levels and sand erosion that have made me conclude that the beaches as we know them are going to fade into history in an alarming short time. I have been telling my friends that I thought in only 50 to 75 years that America(and the world for that matter) would have no more sandy beaches. How sad, but global changes are not turned around in a short time and I see nothing that would stop it. Please don't throw me in with the environmental activist group and the global warming theory because, unlike them I see no alternative and running up the cost of our gasoline or shutting down our factories would just increase our suffering without reason.
This old earth has been abused all right but the enemy has been our ignorance and no army of PHD's will find a way out of the resultant effects. From my personal experience I will tell you what I have seen with my own eyes as I have lived in this area all my life. First the saltwater lake that is fed by the bay near me was only a shallow two or three feet deep much of the time when I was young and there was a fresh water creek which fed into it and a bridge that crossed the creek as it neared the lake. My parents fished under that old bridge and as a child I remember the sound of cars going over it about 25 feet or more over my head.

As I look at the bridge today it is being replaced because high water laps at the bottom of it on a high tide and a storm would close it as an evacuation route. The engineers have made a sad mistake however and elevated it only a few feet. How no one that I talked to about this would even believe me at work and it was so easy for them to pass off my observations as simply unbelievable. All the educated people were told it was only subsidence and nothing to worry about as the area was tapped for gas and oil in the early days and some sinking was normal.

When I was a child (before WWII) the only thing our family did for fun was go to the beach at Galveston. This was west beach and it was a beautiful thing to behold. The beach was several hundred yards wide and the dunes were large. Storms had thrown up huge trees on the beach and folks could drive down to a virgin beach where you would not see anyone for miles and use the tree limbs to make a fire a cook a fine dinner of boiled shrimp or fried fish.

West beach as I see it today is not even recognizable as the seawall road that ended and permitted cars to drive down the long beach is closed and only the sea fills the old image of the wide expanse of beach. Farther down there are strips of sand beach here and there but not even in your wildest dreams could you imagine that this is all that remains of the beautiful white sand beach.

Farther back than this in the Civil war there was a camp on Virginia point which is the point where the only road from the mainland crossed to the island. The camp has been under water for much of my life and they had built a concrete vat to hold water at the camp and years ago some folks told me that at low tide you could still see it out there in the water but it is gone forever now.

Sure, I read the trash that NOAA and the rest put out about sea levels and temperatures but I know beyond their information that they are wrong. It is not only happening around here but there are towns that I read about everywhere that are having their beaches replenished by dredging up sand from the water and pumping it onto the beaches. They have done this at Galveston, Texas city, and currently Bolivar peninsula and all their efforts are only a like candle in a storm for all the good it will do.

Strangely enough I did not sit down at the computer to write about this today but it just came out anyway. Sorry 'bout that.

Point two is about the strange way that gold jewelry will show up one day on the beach and the very next day cannot be found by anyone! Anyone who has hunted beaches for long will understand this and I know it happens but can not explain it very well. The day before yesterday my wife and I hunted the low tide beach after a cool front had passed and the weather was delightful and cool and you could begin to see where the winter cuts would show up later although they were only inches deep now.

The picture above shows the nice bunch of rings that we found Monday morning at the beach. I have explained how the sand is stripped off the beaches but this cold front was mild and the sea was as calm as I have ever seen it. The gold nugget ring was 12 inches deep and recovered with a Fisher CZ7 detector.

Tuesday morning we hunted hard up and down the beaches and struck out miserably as well as everyone else that we ran into hunting the beach. We had even installed a larger coil on the CZ7 to reach down a couple of inches deeper where we had hoped to find more gold sleeping in the sand but nothing was found.

I had placed nails in the posts on several beaches to tell me how much sand had been removed but surprisingly I got mixed results. One beach has eroded 23 inches since August while another only a half mile down has not eroded any!

There are rock groins placed several hundred yards apart down the beach and erosion depends on which side is eroded because of the currents. The funny thing is that one day you can find things like the four rings we found and $7.56 in coins but the very next morning there was nothing to be found including coins. All I can say to that is go often and hope that today is THE day!

If I can discover why it acts like this I will be quick to write about it but I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.
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Зарегистрирован: 19 сен 2013, 19:36

Hunting the midnight sea

Сообщение admin » 20 дек 2016, 17:06

Hunting the midnight sea

Certain times of the year lure the surf hunter out into the dark forbidding sea at night when times and tide are right for rich reward. The longer one hunts the beaches the more you realize how very much the sand shifts and how suddenly. There are days each year that coincide with very low tides and the richest deposit of gold which will be dug by another hunter or covered up with sand in only days! The answer therefore is to hunt after the huge crowds have gone home and the hunters with them in the dark night with only the comfort of the stars and distant street lights to form a reference.

When you finally assemble your tools and start to walk down to the sea it looks as black as it could be and not very inviting. Only hours before there were happy kids and sunburned adults splashing around in the water and the hot sun beamed down with the heat of an oven but, its cool now and only the water is warm. Hunting in the heart of the dark sea gives one a unusual sense of calm as you look back at the lights of town and the stars above listening to the infrequent tones of promise from your detector. That surprised me, the comfortable feeling that I liked about it. Only the stinging jellyfish I wanted to avoid, everything else was really nice.

Ahh! the sound of gold! Anticipation as I steady the coil to pinpoint the target. There is of course that ever present breaker that hits me just about the time I am trying to put pressure on my big scoop and I have to do it all over again. Then there is the heighened sense of awareness as I turn on my small waterproof light and wash out the last of the sand in the bottom of my scoop. I peer into the bucket and....

Drat! the alarm clock! Oh Well, I its only my dreams again but I wanted to give you an illustration of the experience that I felt when I hunted the dark sea. It may seem forbidding but just try it sometime and it will grow on you like it has on me. There is two times a year when I walk into the water that I really feel like I should be home watching the TV instead of stalking the seafloor at night or walking down in January into a very cold sea with freezing temps and a blasting wind but as soon as I am there I just love the experience and I wouldn't be anywhere else.

I think one of the things I like about it is just pushing the limits a little more and grabbing for the gold ring and the solitude of the experience in the water that brings a quickening focus to my experience and brings me to a fresh perspective and a positive attitude about life that sometimes grows dull back home sitting around the TV.

The most wonderful thing about what we call "treasure hunting" is finding what others seek and never find in the material lust that commits their thinking only to basic human needs or the temporary satisfaction in dedicated consumerism. Life at its best is an adventure and adventures are harder to find in our world today but call to us to extend our reach just beyond ourselves. How many people there are who repeat the daily grind and search for vicarious experience in sports or books that they will never provide. It reminds me of reading a biography of someone else's life instead of living first person live.
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Зарегистрирован: 19 сен 2013, 19:36

Beach hunting accessories

Сообщение admin » 20 дек 2016, 17:08

Beach hunting accessories
Save money on beach hunting accessories

In the picture you will notice the black belt "fanny pack" as they are known. This one is different as it does not bag outward where you could spill the contents when you bend down to dig but fits snugly around your waist without challenging your gender identification(if you know what I mean). It has 4 zippers and 9 pockets for different goodies and one ring holder. It can be found at your local Walmart store for the amazing price of $3.96. Needless to say if you picked one up like it at your detector supply you would probably be out $30. It is constructed out of nylon and is washable and easy to clean when it is full of sand. Next bring your attention to the little green shovel. This is the same size as the ones that I buy from the garden store for kids to use but those bend and break after a little beach use. This one instead goes for the amazing price of $9.96 and is constructed the same as the large shovels and should not bend or break so easy. I kept my ticket in case it breaks because the store stands behind is name brand products. I use these size shovels because they weigh hardly over a pound and this one has a plastic handle with a hook so I can just hook it over my belt and drag it behind me. I may look a little silly but when you hunt miles of beach you want something light and easy.

Winter hunting protection

These are somewhat different than the ones I hunted with last winter as they have camouflage printed on the back side but they are the same neoprene gloves and priced at $15.95 at your fishing store(hurry they go fast!)

Save money on underwater "O"ring lubricant
This one will really save you money as the manufacturers have decided that they can retire on the money they charge for the silicon lubricant we use on our underwater detectors. Please note; do not use this if it will invalidate your warranty or if you scuba dive with your detector. To test it before I put it into my detector seals I took a underwater camera case shown in the picture below:
I removed the back from the housing and removed all sealant on the "O"ring and its seat and applied a coating of the much cheaper silicon sealant shown below. I used Magic Lube II #650 sealant and lubricant which sells for $2.99 an ounce. I took twenty-two pounds of lead diving weights and attached them with a belt to the housing and lowered it into the deep end of my swimming pool. There I let it sit for a while and then pulled it up noting that NO WATER had leaked into the housing. I am not without experience in this type of seal because I bought a new 35 mm camera and housing in the early sixties that cost me quite a bit of money then and the first time I took it diving they did not include or recommend a sealant so I used vasoline much to my dismay as the salt water bubbled up drowning my brand new camera. At the time I was running an electronics shop and happened to have a tube of a new product that I got from the supply shop. This was a silicone lubricant that I applied to the silver contacts in the tuners that suffered from the silver turning black and not functioning correctly. I applied it to the seal and took it diving and "wonder of wonders" it worked just fine. I even took it deep diving with no problems. I realized then what it took for the "O" rings to be waterproof and to the best of my knowledge this is the product. It is the heaviest lubricant that you can get and I obtained it from a pool supply very cheaply. They use it to seal the "O"rings in the chlorinators on the pool pumps. I tested this for my own use down to a depth of five feet deep and it passed the test just fine so you can take a chance and try it or just continue to purchase the very expensive stuff. When you water hunt and replace batteries like I do then you use a lot of the stuff and one of those tiny tubes won't last very long. You must consider that you should use this at your own risk.
You can see what I did this week as tropical rains poured floods of water all day and night for well over a week here. Hurricane Pauline has been feeding the heavy clouds right over us and the rain has been constant so I decided the next best thing to finding money is saving money.
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Зарегистрирован: 19 сен 2013, 19:36

Hunting the changing beach

Сообщение admin » 20 дек 2016, 17:09

Hunting the changing beach
As you have heard me say before, the beach may look the same to you as always but it almost never is the same. For years I would go to the beach to swim in the summer and never noticed anything different about it unless we were having a hurricane. Today I am constantly surprised by how much it changes in only a short time. It would take men and earth moving machines weeks to move as much sand as the wind and tides move in only a short time. I could understand a storm or high wind that would change things but somehow what I have seen in the last three weeks is difficult for me to understand.

The last week of August this year I went to the beach with hammer and nails to mark the sand levels on the 4X4 inch posts that the warning signs are posted on along the beach. I have not been to the beach since Labor day and I noticed then that the sand was higher than my mark in one place at least. yesterday I went back to water hunt for a short while and took a look at the markers. I might say that we have had remarkable weather for the last three weeks and the winds have been mostly calm and the seas flat so I did not expect that the sand would be changed.

One beach had ten inches of sand removed and where the beaches had large mounds of sand back from the waterline was smooth and flat sloping down to the water! The other beach had at least fifteen inches of sand removed but the difference was easy to see as the high dry beach area where the dry beach sand was mounded up was gone and the beach had taken on the look of winter when it just slopes down to the water. In the shallow water at one beach there was a trough that was at least a foot and a half to two feet deep under water and now this was completely gone!

What had happened? In fair weather and calm winds there had been more change than all summer. You would never have thought about it but there was a subtle change at the beach and no one else would have noticed. The first week of September is the last big beach swimming time of the summer here and the lifeguards were all along the beaches sitting up in the lifeguard stands and flying a flag. The flag was either yellow or red all summer and when the beach was building the most in the later summer the flag was red.

A red flag indicates to swimmers that you should not go over waist deep in the water but I know that the conditions were far worse than they thought on some days and we had several drownings. The undertow was terrible everywhere but the current was so bad that in some places there were rip tides that were in the shallow water and could pull you off your feet if you were not careful. However..... I thought that the beach could not be building unless the water was sandy containing a high amount of sand that it could dump on the beach. Wrong! The water was mostly clear all the months of August and September so the beach was building not because of the winds because it was mostly calm and the big breaking waves were not too bad.

It appears to me that when the extremely strong currents slowed down and that some high seasonal tides rose on the beach the sand was pulled back out in the water spilling into the cuts and troughs. Although the beach is being stripped of sand the cuts are filling up with sand. I can see how all the gold that is lost on Labor day is quickly covered in sand so deep that is unrecoverable shortly thereafter. I wondered why last winter when I walked far out into what would have been deep water when the tides went out that I seemed to be standing much higher in comparison to the rock groins. I was, in fact millions of tons of beach sand had moved out to cover the bottom.

As I learn more and study these effects I will be sure to share it with you and even though in winter the sand has moved into the water the very high winds blow the water out so fast that cuts are left in the sand that allow you to reach the gold again.

In the above picture notice the warning sign on your left. Slightly behind this sign there was a very high mound of sand only 3 weeks ago and notice the wet sand. Where the wet sand was 3 weeks ago was a fairly deep cut!

When you consider this you must conclude that hunting would be better in the area where the high sand was and the people under the umbrellas also sat and left many things to be found as the sand is removed. Last year at this time I discovered to my amazement that a beach I had detected completely a week before had large patches of coins and I new that they were not new because hardly anyone used the area this time of year and I could not understand where they came from. Now of course I can understand what is going on and even though I went to the beach nearly everyday last year I looked right at it I missed what was happening.

In summary, I believe what happens is that the summer cuts between the sand bars are only kept there due to the strong currents that pull water though them and when there are high tides the current will not allow the sand to fill the cuts but in the fall as the strong tides subside then the sand just flows back into the cuts and the bottom that had looked like the floor of a drive in theater(for those of you who remember) which had low roads with high mounds in between just returns to a gentle slope outward to the deep sea. Midwinter is another story! Keep tuned...
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Зарегистрирован: 19 сен 2013, 19:36

Opening the treasure chest

Сообщение admin » 20 дек 2016, 17:10

Opening the treasure chest
One year ago I had found no jewelry, with the small exception of 2 or 3 cheap rings and today, one year later, you can see for yourself. I recall a club meeting that I went to and the pretty gold rings that a lady had found while water hunting provided me with the motivation to do what was necessary to acquire the talent and tools to find my share of the gold, silver, and jewels that hide so well from us.

It was not out of a desire to find expensive jewelry to sell in order to make money out of the hobby, but just to match the kinds of good finds that I saw a very few other people were able to find. I made many mistakes when I first began to hunt the water for rings and jewelry and spent many trips that did not provide any finds but over time I began to learn more about this tricky subject. One of the problems when hunting salt beaches is that there are large scale changes going on all the time that are simply invisible to the untrained eye. When I first realized that the beach was not a stable thing but if you could see a time lapse movie of a year in the life of a beach you would be simply shocked beyond belief! The sand is either being deposited on the beach or removed all the time and you need to know how it is being accomplished and when it is time to hunt. The dynamics of a beach have become a subject that I am keenly interested in and even now I am doing my own analysis of beach erosion and building. I know you only want to find jewelry and you aren't interested in all that complex stuff but the key to opening the treasure chest is knowing WHEN to hunt. It is important to know how to hunt but you are just wasting time and batteries if you don't know when to hunt. Sure you can blunder onto a beach and sometimes discover something nice but can you regularly produce good jewelry?

You can find fresh water swimming lakes that are much easier to hunt than the saltwater beaches because they are basically stable and a ring that was lost last weekend won't be covered with 15 inches of sand by this weekend. The sea however, is never the same and the tides do far more than just cycle high and low the same all the time but the changes in tides are FAR more important than I first came to believe. It is somewhat like taking a course in school that you thought was a breeze that actually turns out to be a difficult I have just painted a picture to permit you to see that you can not undertake this task unless you are committed to doing your homework and can commit the time required to be hunting when and where jewelry can be found. If you think you can just go on a sunny day or when the tide is low you will be disappointed.

I have written about the tides in the articles "Secrets of the saltwater beaches(I and II)" and I would like to add to that by telling you that the minus tides also have an annual cycle where (at my beach) the spring minus tides occur after sundown and the mid winter tides are often around sunrise and there is a time in between that no minus tides occur and often the tides are higher.

To sum it up there are the targets of opportunity which occur when a holiday crowd moves to the beach. This crowd must contain a large amount of tourists because the locals no longer wear jewelry into the water. These are holidays that occur in a time when the beach is building so in only a few days the thousands of dollars of jewelry will disappear as the flow of new sand will cover it so deep that you cannot reach it. You must hunt as soon as possible to recover these and as much as possible. Hunt after sundown on low tide to maximize your finds and to hunt when it is cool and when the tourists will not see you hunting. It is too difficult to hunt with the crowds in the water even though I have done it from time to time it is better to wait until sundown. You will spend 90 percent of your time conversing with the people about what you are doing and almost no time to hunt!

Besides targets of opportunity you will want to hunt after the excess sand has been removed from the bottom and the large sandbars are completely gone. I can recall that last winter the sandbars completely were removed leaving a smooth tapered bottom sloping downward a few degrees and some if not most of the jewelry was buried in the bottom. I think much of it is sucked out to sea, never to be recovered as we have such strong currents in the water at times it will pull you off your feet standing only in a few inches of water! The heavier objects may settle into the sea floor but the small objects must certainly be pulled along into the deep water. Some days my heavy stainless steel scoop is pulled straight out to sea as I try to hold onto it in the difficult currents and I have to use a webbed safety strap to prevent losing it.

There are two types of hunting beside the targets of opportunity and that is hunting the wet sand on extreme minus low tides and hunting the water during these times. I have found that when the time is perfect and you can see at least twice as much beach as you could see in summer your time is so short that you are limited to a couple of hours to hunt and if you hunt the water you will not cover much area. As the water gradually recedes you must hunt strips along the waters edge. I hunt two passes or 16 feet and try to cover it completely and as much area that is possible so you must not miss anything but walk fast to maximize your finds. Each time the water recedes farther you will be able to work your way out into the deep swimming areas in only the short low tide time available and cover the entire bottom to the farthest steep low tide.

During midwinter in early January we have our best low tides and with the help of a very strong cold front the winds will move the water far out. Then after I have covered all of the wet sand I may move farther out by water hunting to pickup those items lost in the very deep water. Aside from jewelry I find sunglasses, wrist watches and also rods and reels buried deeply in the bottom. That is the time of year to spend the extra time to dig the large targets and often you will find nice things that have dropped into the water and may be covered two foot deep in the ocean bottom even in mid winter!

These pictures are the largest part of the jewelry I have found but not all of it and remember that a year ago I did not know how to find ANY jewelry! This represents an increasing level of finds that is still increasing as I am learning more of the secrets of the sea.

The only other thing I might mention is that spring break occurs when the water is still cold and forbidding and most of the finds are just silver rings lost in the dry sand. Now you know everything that I know about the subject(but I am still learning) and you can hunt the jewelry and produce rewarding finds too. I might add that besides the time to hunt and access to saltwater beaches you will have to hunt in forbidding cold weather when you will see no one else on the beach in blowing sand and wind so strong it may blow you down but after all, this is an adventure and a grand one at that. Be bold, and go where no one else has gone before and you too can share in this adventure and have a life experience that is rich with discoveries and provides you new frontiers in a world that sorely needs them.
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Зарегистрирован: 19 сен 2013, 19:36

Re: a treasure hunt on the beach and in the water

Сообщение admin » 20 дек 2016, 17:11

The Harvest of Summer
This morning as I waded in the clear water of the Gulf of Mexico I couldn't shake the eerie feeling. There was a haze in the sky and the Northeast winds were strong but something was so different from only a few days ago. Over the Labor day holiday weekend there were so many people at the beach and swimming in the water that it was difficult to make your way through them. The children ran wild with complete abandon shooting here and there like ballistic missiles and the water was splashing as an uncountable number of people tried to get the most out of the last of summer. It seemed strange to watch them, each intent on his or her own fashion of beach experience with some laying down in the water, some throwing balls of the muddy sand at each other, and some sitting there and just taking it all in seated in their beach chair. The strangest of all was the fact that they had dressed to kill wearing all their gold and diamonds to sit in the surf and splash about without any thought about losing things.

My wife and I waded along to do our best to avoid the pitfalls of running children as we had an early go at harvesting the golden offerings that were so freely made by the people. One woman who had a diamond on her finger as big as an acorn asked me a question and I told her that the water shrinks peoples hands about two ring sizes and they regularly loose any rings that they wear in the water and she seemed greatful as she said she would remove it. One man grinning who saw my wife metal detecting walked up to display a wide gold necklace which he said simply tumbled along the bottom by him. I talked to several who told me about losing the keys to their car, their wristwatch, or other jewelry and I made a good effort to try to attempt to recover them but the large ground swells prevented me from getting very far out where most were lost.

We came to a stretch of beach where we have found some nice things before and I looked very hard and pushed into the crashing breakers as I was just sure I would find something good here but it did not happen for me. My wife of course had a large grin on her face as she walked up to me to display a new matching set of wedding and engagement rings with five diamonds. She was surprised as they came up in one scoop(that has never happened to me!). It was time to go home and tomorrow would be the big day as the people would be gone and the hunters would be in the water.

We got up extra early to try to get a step ahead of the others who would doubtless be there and drove to the beach in the darkness of night and arrived without even a hint of the morning dawn on the horizon. Sure enough there they were with detectors strapped on already and on their way into the water in the darkness. In my hurry I forgot to put on my finds bag and to wear the string that I put around my neck to clip the rings onto but "I" was first into the water. It is always strange how the water can seem very warm in the evenings and cold in the early morning but I waded out into the darkness and outside of the sand bar into the deeper water.

Thanks to the Fisher folks who got my CZ20 fixed in time I had a tone ID to use as I searched the bottom for "pulltab" signals which may indicate gold and on my second signal there it was! I can remember the excitement as I worked neck deep in the dark waters to dig out the source of the signal. Finally I got the large scoop full of sand up to the top of the water and sloshed it back and forth to see it melt down slowly. In the darkness(yes I forgot to bring my light also!) I felt around to discover a nice 14k gold ring laying on the bottom of the scoop. I was feeling good now!, and it was still dark and the day held much promise as I searched the bottom for another signal.

As much as I hunted and I covered much ground I couldn't find anything but coins and the only other pulltab signal that I received was sure enough a pulltab. Meanwhile my wife who was working the shallower water had dipped up a small scoop that contained, one pulltab, one dime, and one nice gold ring! The dime was wedged very hard into the middle of the gold ring and I wondered how that could happen? Meanwhile one of the other guys was hunting near us and I walked over and asked him how he was doing. He looked a little down and said that he had not found any gold. I told him I was just checking to see if he had found MY 24 inch gold chain with the Kugerand hanging on it. That was what I was hoping to blunder across but it did not happen. As I walked a few steps back to my wife and he took a few more steps down the knee deep water I turned my head to see him with a smile on his face as he displayed a find that I had just walked over several times. He showed me a 14k heavy gold chain with a gold crucifix hanging on it. My mind flashed back to yesterday as I had seen a heavyweight man wearing one just like it.

Over the weekend we found five gold rings(not plated) and other silver rings and things not to mention the diamonds in our annual harvest of summer.

The waters off our beaches have received their golden due again this year and I estimated that about $50,000 in gold and jewels were freed by their owners to sink into the soft sands of the Gulf and only God knows how much gold has never been recovered off this beach! I will hunt these waters year around and you will find me there on the very coldest and windy days of the year because I know that only a very tiny fraction of the gold of the Gulf was ever recovered and the rest will be lost forever unless I can scoop it out someday. I see the forlorn look of some beach hunters as they tell me that the beach has been hunted out and you cannot find anything but a few pennies and I smile because I know better, but who will listen to the rambling of a old man?
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Зарегистрирован: 19 сен 2013, 19:36


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