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10 000 bodies are littered in Raqqa after the US bombings


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10 000 bodies are littered in Raqqa after the US bombings

Сообщение admin » 17 мар 2018, 12:58

Thousands of bodies remain under the rubble in Raqqa after the bombing of the coalition led by the United States

At the same time, the Russian military department specified that the American command does not allow humanitarian organizations and the UN mission to enter the city

Thousands of bodies of civilians and militants who died during the bombing of the US-led coalition remain under the rubble in the Syrian city of Rakka, the recorded outbreaks of infections can pour into the epidemic. This was reported on Saturday in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

According to the Ministry, in Rakka are relatively safe several central neighborhoods, the rest of the city is dangerous not only for living, but also for finding people there.

"Under the rubble there are thousands of unrecovered and decaying corpses of civilians and militants who died in the course of the massive bombing of the American coalition by the American coalition." The city already has outbreaks of infectious diseases that threaten to pour into the epidemic with the onset of heat, "the Defense Ministry said.

At the same time, the department stressed, "the so-called authorities of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria, formed by the representatives of the US Army in the territory of Rakki, forcibly force the local residents to remain in the areas of Rakki bombed by the American coalition, preventing them from leaving for safe areas."

The big danger for the population of Rakka is represented by numerous unexploded ordnance and improvised explosive devices, the victims of which were already more than 500 inhabitants of Rakki, the Russian ministry notes.

In general, the Ministry of Defense reported, in the province of Rakka the most difficult situation with the return of refugees is taking shape. More than 200 thousand people from Rakka are now in the territories controlled by the Syrian lawful authorities, at least 100 thousand people were in Turkey and in areas under the control of the US-backed formations.

It is also reported that the United States prevents any representatives of humanitarian organizations and the UN mission from arriving in Rakku. It is the United States, Britain and the coalition that ignore the UN Security Council resolution on Syria, added to the Russian Defense Ministry.

"The US continues to discourage the arrival of any representatives of humanitarian organizations in Rakku, not to mention the agreement on the arrival of the UN assessment mission to the city, which should record the scale of the humanitarian disaster in order to determine the amount of emergency humanitarian assistance to the remaining population," the Defense Ministry said.

A similar grave situation, the ministry noted, is being preserved in the Er-Rookban refugee camp in the US-occupied area of ​​Tanf. "Despite the statements of the US Army representatives about the readiness to allow humanitarian escort for refugees to Et-Tanf, the representatives of the US military command refuse categorically refuse to guarantee that this aid will be distributed to the refugees, and not the US-controlled militant formations," the Defense Ministry said.

As stressed in the Russian department, "thus, today it is the United States, Great Britain and the countries of the" coalition "that actively supported the speedy adoption of UN Security Council resolution 2401 that completely ignore the fulfillment of its obligations in Syria."

On February 24, 2018, the UN Security Council adopted resolution 2401 on establishing a ceasefire in Syria for at least 30 days to provide humanitarian assistance to the population. According to the document, the truce does not apply to the terrorist groups "Islamic State" and "Jebhat An Nusra"
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